Inside the mirror, the reflection of your soul
goes deeper than what the eye can see…
Fragile girl, such evasive eyes
with your gaze of burnt-out embers.
A slave to ritual obsessions,
you can’t hide your thinning hair.
In front of that oval mirror
wearing the robe spun with sins,
your image reflects hatred,
sharpened to the edge.
The stoked fire melts you,
transforms you into seething lava,
and your cupped palms are corroded
by the shame dripping through.
In the state of delirium
you pull out your anxiety one by one,
terrified when you discover at your feet
a hundred mangled strands
in the image of wilted vines,
and poison ivy.
In the delusion of your dreams:
they slowly climb up your head,
embedding their roots
finding the depths of your scalp,
disguising your barren follicles
with a hairpiece; it’s fake.
The shadows of the inferno
drag your corpse past your cruel reality,
and the faceless voices, condemn you:
"Freak, deformed by your fragile mind!"
Injected with pain, you relapse
into that compulsive behaviour
and defeated, you bury in the crypt,
your secret.
In a book left abandoned,
threadbare and dusty,
your hopes are written
in a poem without verses
without spaces,
and the hope awaits you, hidden,
in the reflection of your mirror.
© Elena Vargas
Dentro del espejo, el reflejo de tu alma
va mas allá de lo que puedas ver …
Frágil niña de esquivos ojos
y mirada de bujías grises,
esclava eres de tu ritual manía
que tu rala cabellera revela.
Frente al plateado óvalo
vistiendo el hábito de tu culpa,
tu imagen refleja
el brillo afilado de la ira.
El fuego atizado te derrite,
en lava convertida bulles,
y atravesando tu palma hueca
tu vergüenza fluye.
En la burbuja del delirio
arrancas una a una tu ansiedad
y aterrada descubres a tus pies
cientos de mutiladas hebras
transformándose en mustias
y venenosas hiedras.
En la quimera de tus sueños:
ellas trepan tu andrógina cabeza,
enclavan sus raíces
en tu cuero devastado,
camuflando tus folículos resecos
con acicalado cairel.
Son las sombras del averno
que te arrastran por tu cruda realidad,
y sus voces sin rostro te censuran:
"¡Engendro eres, de tu frágil mente!"
Inyectada de dolor recaes
en tu compulsiva conducta
y abatida, entierras en la cripta,
tu secreto.
En un libro abandonado,
raído y polvoriento,
la esperanza escrita
es un poema sin versos
sin espacios,
que espera oculta,
en el reflejo de tu espejo.
© Elena Vargas